Friday, August 17, 2007


It's been about five or six nights now since we've started the night weaning process.
It's been incredibly smooth considering what a warrior princess Uma is. She's down to waking about twice and just snuggling up and falling back to sleep. She knows now that the boob is not open for business until the sun comes up and we're both sleeping a lot better now.
"Mee Mees went night night. Sunshine Mee Mees"
She gets it.
Now that we're not nursing at night, our daytime is now one big milking fest. Originally, I said that I'm totally happy to nurse in the day as long as i get my sleep but I'm starting to wonder where the summer has gone and I realize that it's been pretty much been spent breastfeeding.
"So, what did you do this summer?".... "I breastfed".
It's pretty ironic that I have been a huge cow goddess fan for over a decade. I've honored and loved all of the cow goddesses around the world- Hathor, Isis, Kamadhenu, Hera, Boann...
I even went to India specifically to be in the land where the cow is holy.
I've loved discovering different goddesses around the world that are praised in the form of the cow and this has been a passion of mine for years. I actually want to write a book about the topic one day. To put it briefly, the cow goddess is celebrated in cultures that honor the life-giving and sacrificial gifts of the bountiful Mother. This is a topic I've been researching for years and now here I am, embodying the spirit of the archetypal cow.
Needless to say, I feel that the whole thing needs to subside here one of these days. Unfortunately, I don't think Uma's going to lose interest any time soon. They say to "don't offer, don't refuse" when starting to wean. They also say to be sure to not get into any positions that are familiar feeding positions. Trouble is, just about every position reminds Uma of feeding. She could be upside down in lotus position and still feel comfortable nursing. But, we'll cross that river soon enough. I've heard from many Mama friends that the hormones released when weaning are hella intense. It's not a pretty picture for baby or Mama apparently. A dental assistant once told me that hormones are bigger than God. I have to agree.
For now, I'm gonna rest up and gather strength for that next milestone.
Hopefully I won't have to resort to Tabasco sauce.

1 comment:

Emilie said...

raw aloe juice works too (Caribbean trick). just in case